Our Services
Solutions to the Problems That Keep You Up At Night

Estate Planning
Plan for your future. Protect your family.
Wills & Trusts, Durable Power of Attorney, Advanced Healthcare Directive, Deeds

Family Law
Less litigation. Less stress. More results.
Dissolution (Divorce), Separations, Child Support, Child Custody, Uncontested Guardianships, Marital Settlement Agreements, Spousal Support, Pre-nuptial & Post-nuptial Agreements, Emancipation of Minor, Mediation, Paternity, Qualified Domestic Relations (QDRO), Visitations, Wage Garnishments

Civil Law
Full-Service, One Flat Fee, No Hidden Costs.
Bankruptcy, Case Completion, Civil Actions (i.e. lawsuits), Name Changes, Small Claims, Unlawful Detainer (evictions), Settlement Agreements, Assignment of Personal Property

Other Services
We can help!
Notary, Quit Claim Deeds, Typing Documents, Resumes, and MUCH more!
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